How To Get Rid Of Lice FAST! (Guaranteed! Tips, Tactics, & Secrets from A Lice Pro) Our Lice FAQ!
(Note: This is the same info in the 'Free Ebook' tab...this is just boring text version)
Just hearing “the L word” …strikes fear in your heart! NOT TO WORRY – In this article, we will teach you everything you need to know to successfully get rid of lice for good! We will cover:
-Learn 5 Biggest Myths You Gotta Know! (You Will Be SURPRISED!)
-Is It Lice...Or Dandruff? (How To Tell The Difference)
-What Products Are Best To Use? (Home Remedies? OTC Shampoos? Natural Products?)
-Learn One Product We LOVE! (We’ve Used It On Over 30K Happy Customers)
-How To Comb Out Lice At Home. (We Will Link a 10 Minute Easy To Follow Tutorial)
-What About The HOUSE? (Bag Everything? Vacuum Entire House? Throw Away Brushes?)
-Is It True That Teenagers Get Lice Too? (…Yep. Iphones quadrupled our business..find out why)
5 Biggest Myths About LICE!
PLEASE PASS THIS INFORMATION ON! There is so much misinformation which leads to hours and hours of unnecessary stress!
MYTH #1: Pets Can Spread Lice. Answer: NO! Pets cannot get lice, it is ‘species specific’. Lice can only feed on human blood from the scalp. Pets get fleas, people get head lice. This is probably the number one question we get asked!
Here is a link to a short video about this:
Myth #2: Lice Means Clean Everything. Answer: Off the head, hatch lice will die within 24-48 hours. Hatched lice must feed on a human scalp several times a day. If they are off a head, and miss one blood meal, they will not be able to survive. Lice eggs will not hatch off the scalp, they must ‘incubate’ with heat and humidity off the scalp. Lice eggs must be withing about 1/8 inch of the scalp to survive. (Many people confuse lice eggs with flea eggs!)
Here is a link to a video about ‘the house’:
Myth #3: Everyone Who Gets Lice Will Itch. Answer: Itching is an allergic reaction of the saliva of a louse when it feeds. It’s estimated that only about 50% of the population has that particular allergy. So, 50% of the population will not itch at all (even with a severe infestation!). The lice produce a saliva that thins the blood, just a bit, where they feed. You could have 50 adults and 3,000 eggs on your head, and not feel a thing! (That is one of the reasons why an infestation can snowball and infest friends and family, too!).
Here’s a link to a short video about why people itch:
Myth #4: A ‘Buzz Cut’ Gets Rid Of Lice. Answer. No! Lice lay eggs within ¼ inch of the scalp. Lice can still be present after a buzz cut (but sometimes the hair is too short to comb the eggs off!). We have had many people, in our salon, who brought boys with buzz cuts. We have shown them the live lice still crawling on their son’s head. We never recommend it, but you would have to shave to the skin, “bick it” with a razor.
Here is a link to a video about ‘How To Do A Lice Check On A Boy’:
Myth #5: Lice Jump From Head To Head. Answer:Nope. Lice don’t jump, fly, burrow, or swim. The need a loose piece of hair as a bridge or a ladder to the head. Best prevention: BRAIDS & BUNS!
Don’t know how to braid? Here’s a 13 min. video to show 3 easy braids and buns for beginners:
The Lice ID card is clickable & downloadable at It's a wonderful tool to put on a school website, or parent portal. It's all the basic info a stressed-out parent needs a nutshell. Here’s a link to download & share:
We had a customer, a mom, who was frustrated with us because she insisted her son had lice (she found a bug on his collar), but we never found any sign of head lice, even after multiple checks. Diana heard her son mention he had to get home to his (pet) sick chicken. Diana googled 'chicken lice' and sent mom a picture. Turns was seeing CHICKEN LICE...not HEAD lice! Case closed!
Is It A Lice Egg, Empty Shell... Or Dandruff?
In a nutshell - dandruff is white or yellowish, and flakes easily off the hair.
Nits/eggs and tan or brown. They have a distinctive 'tear drop' shape. They are 'glued' to a hair, VERY close to the scalp. (They need heat and humidity from the head to incubate and hatch). Here is a video we made to show you the difference:
“Casings” are shells of hatched eggs. They can be left behind and will eventually wash out of the hair. Casings are more transparent, and nothing to worry about. (You can see the difference in the pic below).
Eggs do not 'flick off' with your finger. Put what you find, on a damp white paper towel, take a CLEAR picture, then enlarge the photo. Is it tear dropped shaped?
Our shop in Huntington Beach CA got a LOT of kids straight from Jr. Lifeguard summer program. Sand can mimic the appearance of lice (but it flakes off). Very often, these kids are 'clear'. .but mom's tend to panic when they see us wipe our NitNabber Lice Comb on a damp paper towel. They GASP "OH NO!" ..until we quickly SHOW THEM the difference. (Now YOU know the secret too!) I had a similar story with a dad who PANICKED when he saw what I wiped off his head. I said "That's not lice!" He said "Phew... I know what it is...I just came from sanding a redwood deck!". Crisis Averted.
What Products Should I Use? (Do Home Remedies Work)
In 8 years, and over 30,000 customers..we have seen and heard it all:
-Sklice (prescription)
-tea tree
-peanut butter
-olive oil
- Vaseline
….We could go on and on!
The premise between all the ‘fatty’ home remedies (olive oil, mayo, etc.) is that if you clog the spherical (think ‘porthole’), a louse will suffocate because they can’t get oxygen. This is true…BUT, what people don’t realize is that lice can CLOSE the spherical for up to 8 hours!
For us, the product that makes the most sense is an ENZYME based product. We use Coco Loco All Natural Lice Treatment (available at: t does not kill eggs, but kills all hatched lice quickly and doesn't need to be washed out. (Lice eggs (nits) need to be manually combed off) We developed our Coco Loco All Natural Lice Treatment product line, because, for us, it has worked the best. Here is a link to a video that gives more info about Coco Loco Lice Treatment:
Ever heard of ‘SUPER LICE’?
Super lice are regular lice, but over the years research has proven that lice have become resistant or immune to the chemicals (pyrethroid based) used in OTC (drug store) lice shampoos. Watch this video, you will SEE what we mean: The OTC lice shampoos tend to stun hatch lice, but often not kill them.
If you are using a different product, be sure to follow THAT protocol. We hope that the videos and info here will teach and inspire you to have confidence when it comes to dealing with a lice outbreak at home.
Desperate people do desperate things! We've had people put GIANT jars of Vaseline (almost impossible to wash out, in order to check or comb). BUT THE WORST was we have had more than one family use an entire CAN OF RAID BUG SPRAY on 4 year old kids...and when it didn't work on Monday...they repeated it on Tuesday! DON'T EVERY USE RAID FOR LICE!
How To Comb Out Lice At Home
If you ask 10 lice pros how to section and comb out'll get 10 answers. For us, dividing hair into 4 sections worked the best. Even if you use a different product, or an OTC lice product, we suggest 'the quadrant method' (dividing the hair into four sections. A middle part, then a part ear to ear. Clip each section with any type of clip).
Here is a link to our 10 Minute Lice Comb-Out Tutorial:
Toddlers can be tricky to treat at home. We suggest very short comb out ‘sessions’ 5-10 minutes, maybe while they are in the bath tub. We suggest just doing more frequent combouts, maybe every day or two. Here’s a video we made with more tips:
We always suggest using TONS OF CONDITIONER OR DETANGLER when using a lice comb! (If you are using a different product, always follow the protocol on the label).
Over the years, we have had customers who we were unable to comb, due to sensitivity,
disability, they had hair extensions, dreadlocks, or hair was too coarse or curly for
the tight lice comb. Four years ago, we had a very handsome high school boy with lice. He
had dreadlocks he had been growing for like 5 years. We tried everything, but he eventually
had to cut off his dreads. He brought us one of his dreads in a ziplock. When we cut it open,
there were (dead) adult lice in the center! Lice "hide" to avoid a lice treatment product.
(I wish I had thought to FILM THAT!).
How Do Teenagers Get Lice?
In 2018 I had a UCLA Statistician analyze 3500 of our customer records, looking for trends . By far, the MOST surprising finding was that in 2014, teens were ONE THIRD of our business, and elementary kids were TWO THIRDS.
In 2018, that FLIPPED! Much more of our customer base was TEENS. Teens put HEADS together to watch Youtube, Snapchat, NetFlix, & Instagram!
So many people believe that "only little kids get lice". The teens we saw the most - "popular girls with long pretty hair" - cheer, dance, soccer & softball girls.
If you have a teen or pre-teen, you’re gonna want to watch this 15 min video we made. It will teach you everything you need to know about teens & lice:
The BEST defense is BUNS & BRAIDS!
In 2013, our salon was new & we would treat anyone..anytime! I got a call at 11pm and went
to the shop. It was a teen girl and 2 friends. All 3 girls had SEVERE lice! I got Diana out of a warm
bed at MIDNIGHT to come help me. They called 3 friends who ALSO had lice! The 6 girls
were leaving at 6 am in a van to San Francisco for a soccer tournament. My daughter, Lola,
also came to help, but we here there until 3:30am! The moral of the story...teens get
LOTS OF LICE! Make sure to BRAID & BUN!
What About The House?
PLEASE GET THIS: Lice cannot live off a human head! They MUST feed on human blood several times a day.
If hatched lice are off a head, for more than a few hours, they will be too dehydrated to make the saliva that they MUST make to feed.
Lice can live about 24-48 hours off a head, but if they can't feed, they will die. The saliva thins the blood, just a bit.
Fun fact: it's an allergic reaction to the saliva that causes ITCHING..but only about 50% of population has the allergy!.
Lice eggs REQUIRE heat & humidity of the scalp to incubate.. If an egg is even slightly off the scalp, it will never hatch.
Here is a short video we made about what to clean in the house:
About 3 years ago, we had a grandma who was TERRIFIED she had lice (her granddaughter
had lice, and they had recently spent time together). While we were checking her, she
mentioned she had just bought a brand new couch. THEN she told us "but because I have
lice, I called my son to come pick it up, I'll buy another new couch. He's picking it up right
now!". The punchline: she was CLEAR!
We Hope This Helped You! If you’d like to see more videos, and learn more about the products and services that might help you, please check out: THANK YOU
Use these pictures as a reference. Notice that nits are tan colored. If you see white, when wiped on a paper towel, it is most likely DANDRUFF or product!
Please read these carefully! NO NEED TO CLEAN EVERYTHING! Don't shave a boy's head! Only half of populations itches...even with SEVERE lice outbreak!
In-Home Lice Treatment Services- Picky Pam at the Beach